Writing Your Entry
To put together the most effective entry, read this entire page, and follow the guidelines. Remember, the judges are from outside the PRSA-LVVC market and need background in order to effectively evaluate your entry.
- The most important part of any entry is the two-page summary (saved as a PDF), which must include a brief introduction to the project and each part of the Four Step Process in Public Relations: research, planning, implementation, and evaluation. Other helpful strategic planning resources include:
- Each entry must also have supporting materials that back up the statements in the summary and be arranged in the same steps.
- Review the scoring criteria and PRSA’s tips for preparing your entry (note: PRSA’s National awards are known as the Silver Anvils, but the advice applies to the Pinnacle Awards). PRSA members may log in to the national website and view national award summaries by category and year.
Individual Award Submission
Nominations for the Newcomer of the Year, PR Professional of the Year, and Senior PR Professional of the Year Awards may be submitted through the same system as the campaigns and tactics entries following the same deadline schedule.
Nominations for the Volunteer Award and Roger Buehrer Lifetime Achievement Award should be submitted per the instructions below to pinnacleawards@prsalasvegas.com by the entry deadline.
For best results, follow these recommendations when preparing your one- to two-page entry:
- Include a summary of the nominee’s work history in the entry (do not attach a resume – any entry with more than two pages will automatically be disqualified).
- Describe how the candidate’s characteristics and achievements exemplify best practices and values from PRSA’s Code of Ethics.
- Review the entry with your nominee for accuracy and completeness.
- Submit a high-resolution headshot of the nominee for use in the awards ceremony and program.
Check out these tips from past winners and judges.
Gathering information for Judgify
Our chapter accepts entries on the Judgify platform. To streamline the process, we recommend that you have the following information ready to enter into the system.
About You
- The entry title will displayed on all materials (e.g., certificates, obelisks, slide show, event program).
- The campaign/tactic’s category.
- No more than three lines of text to display on the Pinnacle obelisk (26 characters per line). This is typically a person and/or one or two organizations.
- We suggest listing the entry name and the company, agency, and/or client name on the initial obelisk given at the awards.
- You’ll have the opportunity to order duplicate obelisks with additional names after the awards.
- The names and organizations of up to ten people who contributed to the campaign/tactic for award certificates.
About your Campaign/Tactic
- Have your two-page summary saved as a PDF (as outlined in Prepare Your Entry).
- Make sure links to external websites, Google Drive, DropBox, and/or YouTube, or similar file hosting services are included in your summary.
- Supporting materials (e.g., photographs, media links) should be included in the same PDF.
- Keep your documentation to a maximum of 15 pages, preferably less.
- One image (.jpg or .png) to display during the ceremony and in the printed program. Past entrants have submitted logos, unique artwork or photographs from the entry, screenshots of news clips, and headshots (for individual awards).